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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2005, wydanie III

cena netto: 450.00 Twoja cena  427,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For undergraduate and graduate courses in capital investment decision methodologies particularly in Engineering and Engineering Management.

With a profit-making viewpoint, this state-of-the-art guide offers excellent coverage of engineering economic analysis. The third edition is updated to include the increasing usefulness of Excel-based spreadsheets instead of tabled factors for intricate computations and decisions.

Table of Contents

Part One: Basic Concepts: Value, Cost and Accounting

Chapter 1: Value Creation and Financial Accounting

Chapter 2: Cost Measurement and the Cost Accounting System

Chapter 3: Relevant Costs and Revenues and Estimating

Part Two: Basic Capital Investment Analysis: Applications

Chapter 4: Computations Involving Interest

Chapter 5: Equivalent Worth Methods for Comparing Alternatives

Chapter 6: Rate of Return Methods for Comparing Alternative

Chapter 7: Consideration of Depreciation and Income Taxes

Chapter 8: Dealing with Price Changes in Capital Investment Analysis

Chapter 9: Replacement Analysis

Chapter 10: New Product and Expansion Analysis

Chapter 11: Capital Planning and Budgeting

Part Three: Capital Investment Analyses in an Uncertain World Formal Assessments

Chapter 12: Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty

Chapter 13: Sensitivity Analysis

Chapter 14: Analytical and Simulation Approaches to Risk Analysis

Chapter 15: Decision Criteria and Methods for Risk and Uncertainty

Chapter 16: Decision Tree Analysis

Part Four: Specialized Topics in Capital Investment Analysis

Chapter 17: Capital Investment Decisions as Options

Chapter 18: Activity-Based Costing and Management

Chapter 19: Multi-Attribute Decision Making and the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Appendix: Interest Tables, etc.

Inside Front Cover: Glossary of Commonly Used Symbols and Abbreviations for Capital Investment Analysis

614 pages

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