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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2005, wydanie

cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena  190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For technical courses in technology, engineering, construction, and formation technology programs.

This text contains practical, hands-on step-by-step applications of change management principles that stress the importance of improvement within organizations rather than simply making changes. It examines the competitive advantage school of thought from the perspective of technical professionals, and sees the need for change as being directly tied to the need to gain and maintain competitive advantages in the global marketplace.

Table of Contents

1. Understand change and your role in it.

2. Anticipate the need for change.

3. Establish the need for change.

4. Establish the change leadership team.

5. Develop the change picture and change plan.

6. Communicate the change picture and plan to all stakeholders.

7. Gain the commitment of all stakeholders.

8. Empower employees to act in carrying out the change plan.

9. Execute the change plan.

10. Incorporate the change in the organization's culture

248 pages

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