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wydawnictwo: THOMSON , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Managers constantly face uncertainty as they attempt to make decisions in a complex and competitive environment. In Competitive Intelligence: A Framework for Web-Based Analysis and Decision Making, Conor Vibert gives the research professional a complete and reliable framework for collecting and analyzing information that will give managers confidence in any situation. Competitive Intelligence uniquely introduces the study of organizational theory and strategy into the competitive intelligence process to improve the effectiveness of competitive intelligence programs. Using Vibert's research missions, Internet search and analysis tools, and the analytical framework, researchers will have all they need to run an effective knowledge management program in an organization.


The Internet offers limitless resources. But finding them can be a formidable task. This resourceful book focuses on using the information of the World Wide Web in a structured manner.

Competitive Intelligence: A Framework for Web-based Analysis and Decision Making helps readers organize online information around specific theories of organization and economic organization that address issues faced every day by thousands of online analysts.

Coner Vibert's book focuses on free, publicly available information sources- not expensive commercial databases.

Vibert explains how analysts can use the theories and online information sources to explain large-scale organized behavior.

246 pages

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