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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 196.00 Twoja cena  186,20 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Inflation targeting has moved the quality of econometric methodology and practice into the limelight of economic policy debate. This book describes how the discipline has adapted to changing demands by adopting new insights from economic theory and by taking advantage of the methodological and conceptual advances within time series econometrics. The authors interpret and evaluate the last forty years of international research to explain inflation in a small open economy. A dynamic incomplete competition model is evaluated and built into a small econometric model to analyse the transmission mechanism, to evaluate monetary policy rules, and to explore the main sources of forecast failure.

Readership: Students and researchers in econometrics and advanced macroeconomics. Practitioners making forecasts and using models for policy analysis in governmental agencies and in central banks.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Methodological issues of large scale macromodels

3 The Norwegian main-course model

4 The Phillips curve

5 Wage bargaining and price setting

6 Wage-price dynamics

7 The New Keynesian Phillips Curve

8 Money and inflation

9 Transmission channels and model properties

10 Evaluation of monetary policy rules

11 Forecasting using econometric models

12 Appendices

230 pages

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