BURNS A., BUSH R. wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I cena netto: 370.00 Twoja cena 351,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Best-selling authors Burns
and Bush are proud to introduce Basic Marketing Research, the first textbook to
utitlize EXCEL as a data analysis tool. Each copy includes XL Data Analyst, a
user-friendly Excel add-in for data analysis. This book is also a first in that it's
a streamlined paperback with an orientation that leans more toward how to
use marketing research information to make decisions vs. how to be a provider of marketing
research information.
Table of Contents
1. Introducing Marketing
2. Understanding the Marketing Research Industry.
3. Steps in the Marketing Research Process Including Defining the Problem and
Research Objectives.
4. Research Design.
5. Accessing Secondary Data and Online Information Databases.
6. Standardized Information Sources. STANDARDIZED INFORMATION SOURCES
7. Deciding on Your Survey Data Collection Method.
8. Using Measurement Scales in Your Survey.
9. Designing Your Questionnaire.
10. Determining Sample Size and the Sampling Method.
11. Collecting Data and Summarizing What You Found in Your Sample.
12. Generalizing Your Sample Findings to the Population.
13. Comparing to Find Differences in Your Data.
14. Determining Relationships Among Your Variables.
15. Preparing and Presenting the Research Results.
670 pages+CD
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