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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2005, wydanie III

cena netto: 175.00 Twoja cena  166,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Accelerating growth throughout China and India is driving a massive increase in demand. We are on the verge of a new and sustained boom in the commodities market.Now is the time to master the art of trading commodity futures and options.

In this book, one of the world's most experienced traders introduces a proven, step-by-step methodology built on more than 25 years of success. George Kleinman begins with the basics, including an introduction to how futures and options trading works, how trading psychology impacts on commodity markets, and how to avoid the pitfalls that cause so many commodity traders to fail. He offers thoroughly updated coverage of electronic trading, the latest contracts and advanced trading techniques.


  • Commodities are currently the hottest most aggressively expanding investment market in the world.
  • Ideal timing with the coming bull market investors will need to understand and profit from commodities.
  • 300,000 new investors start trading futures for the first time every year.
  • Previous editions of Kleinman's Commodity Futures and Options became international best-sellers. This one offers even more insight for winning the commodities game...and winning big.
  • Expert insight from a successful trader with over 25 years of real-world experience.
  • This highly practical guide is paced to provide a sound introduction, as well as offering sophisticated techniques.
  • Author will promote his book on www.commodity.com which gets 25,000 hits a day.

Table of Contents
Foreward and Disclaimer.
INTRODUCTION - Do you have what it takes?
1. The Futures Primer.
2. The Intermediate Futures Trading Course.
3. A diabolical story!
4. The Options Primer.
5. Advanced Option Strategies.
6. Eight Winning Option Trading Rules.
7. Fundamental Market Analysis.
8. The Advanced Futures Trading Course.
9. The Most Valuable Technical Tool [TMVTT].
10. How I use TMVTT.
11. Day Trader's Secrets.
12. Your 'State of Mind'.
13. 25 Trading Secrets of the Pros.
14. Jesse's Secret.


George Kleinman is President of Commodity Resource Corp., an established futures and options advisory, brokerage, and trading firm. He has been an Exchange Member for over 20 years. He is a member of the National Futures Association, Executive Editor of Trends in Futures, and contributing editor to Trading Floor Pro. At Merrill Lynch, Kleinman earned membership in the Golden Circle of Merrill's top ten commodity brokers worldwide. He is author of both preceding editions of this book.

258 pages

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