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wydawnictwo: HIGHFIELD , rok wydania 2004, wydanie XI

cena netto: 135.00 Twoja cena  128,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Hygiene for Management

A text for food safety courses

The food safety scares in the late 1980s and 1990s relating to salmonella in eggs, listeria, campylobacter, BSE, E. coli 0157, glass in food and the alleged increases in food poisoning from commercial food businesses resulted in extensive new legislation and the establishment of the Food Standards Agency. The continued media interest has ensured that food safety remains high on the political agenda and every day it seems that new horror stories are created to fuel public anxiety.

Given that food poisoning outbreaks are preventable and low-dose organisms such as L coli 0157 have very serious consequences, it is imperative that standards off food hygiene continue to be improved. However, proposed solutions must be practical, proportionate and based on sound scientific evidence. Knee-jerk reactions such as slaughtering chickens in the UK because of high levels of salmonella in eggs and then importing eggs with greater levels of salmonella, imposing the full seven principles of HACCP on all food premises and increasing the emphasis on Paperwork, records and certification are not cost-ineffective solutions.

The Food Standard! Agency is committed to improving standards off food safety and reducing levels off food borne illness. This will only be achieved if we have policies based on scientific facts, effective communication and the timely dissemination of information from all central bodies involved in food safety to food authorities, food safety trainers, and consultants and, most importantly.to all food businesses.

Unsubstantiated headlines such as°over4 million people get food poisoning from restaurants and takeaways each year"may raise awareness but may focus attention in the wrong place.

The latest edition of Hygiene for Management is intended to provide managers within the food industry, enforcement officers, trainers and consultants with the latest information, statistics and food safety advice to enable them to contribute to the improvement of standards and the reduction off food borne illness.

414 pages

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