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wydawnictwo: RHINEGOLD , rok wydania 1994, wydanie I

cena netto: 115.00 Twoja cena  109,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

ARTS MARKETING Every arts presenting organisation has an 'Available Audience' - people who are already favourably disposed to the performances that are being offered. This group of people is, according to the author's hypothesis, much, much larger than is widely imagined and considerably greater, by many times, than is evidenced by audience attendance figures. The Available Audience is defined by its attitude and not just its behaviour in relation to the purchase of tickets: it is made up of Jntenders and Attenders with people moving constantly from one group to the other. This market is vast; it has the potential to fill every seat in every arts venue every night of the week - plus matinees.

The arts marketer must leam how to turn this potential into sales - how to convert the 'nearly buyers' into buyers - and Keith Diggle's holistic approach shows how to do this by building credibility for the presenting body, using PubUdty to make people want to buy, Pricing and Sales Promotion to bring them quickly to the point of purchase and the ideas of Sales to obtain the purchase itself. A chapter is also devoted to the ideas of American subscription expert, Danny Newman, which are described as the 'quintessence of Sales Promotion'.

Arts Marketing, does not ignore the 'Unavailable Audience', but argues that different techniques are needed to change presently unfavourable attitudes before the basic approach can succeed.

This book will help you find and keep audiences. It will help you meet your financial objectives without having to change your artistic philosophy. It will give you confidence.

Keith Diggle moved from teaching mathematics in the sixties to running a chamber orchestra via a unique jazz dub that he founded at his school in order to bring musicians of national stature before local audiences in the small Northamptonshire town of Corby. He then became the first director ofMerseyside Arts Association where he started to develop the ideas of arts marketing, producing his first paper on the subject in 1971. Since the late seventies he has been marketing director of Rhinegold Publishing Limited which publishes magazines and reference books for the performing arts industries and is a typical 'small' business with many of the characteristics of the arts organisations this book is intended to help. He has written prolifically on his subject, has practised as an independent consultant and has lectured in Europe, the Far East, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

290 pages

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