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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2005, wydanie IV

cena netto: 285.00 Twoja cena  270,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

  • 'Review from previous edition 'For European students there is no rival'' -Professor C. G. Devries, Tinbergen Institute, Rotterdam
  • ''Clear analytical presentation of complex matters, richly illustrated with empirical data'' -G. M. Popelier, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands
  • ''The real world examples are excellent, as is the emphasis on European economy.'' -Juuso Vataja, University of Vaasa, Finland
  • ''This book has one of the broadest coverages of this level of text.'' -Dr David McCausland, University of Aberdeen
  • ''The breadth of topics is excellent.'' -Andrew Newell, University of Sussex


  • New four-colour text design
  • Excellent teaching and learning aids including chapter overviews and key concept summaries
  • Many chapters completely rewritten, including the core chapters (Mundell-Fleming and aggregate demand and supply)
  • Many new updated examples in text and boxes applying principles to European and international 'real world' situations
  • New exercises and essay questions
  • New final chapter presenting the evolution of macroeconomics
  • The text will be accompanied by a comprehensive companion web site containing lecturer resources: PowerPoint slides, lecture plans, a test bank, animated figures, solutions to end of chapter exercises, revision questions, additional exercises, case studies, and MCQ's. And student resources: review questions, self-test MCQ's, weblinks, web boxes, and concepts and issues

Building upon the considerable success of previous editions, Macroeconomics 4/e provides a comprehensive analysis of modern macroeconomics within both a European and a global context.

Competing theoretical approaches are presented in a clear and balanced manner with continual reference to data and case study examples from the real world. Burda and Wyplosz have produced another excellent textbook, that will guide students through challenging and complex issues with clarity and simplicity. The excellent teaching and learning aids include chapter overviews, summaries of key concepts, end of chapter exercises, and suggestions for further reading accompanying each chapter.

Table of Contents

  • 1. What is Macroeconomics?
  • 2. National Accounts
  • 3. Economic Growth
  • 4. Labour Markets and Unemployment
  • 5. Intertemporal Budget Constraints
  • 6. Private Sector Demand: Consumption and Investment
  • 7. Real Exchange Rates
  • 8. Money and the Demand for Money
  • 9. The Supply of Money and Monetary Policy
  • 10. Aggregate Demand and Output
  • 11. Output, Unemployment, and Prices
  • 12. Aggregate Supply and Inflation
  • 13. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
  • 14. Business Cycles
  • 15. Fiscal Policy, Debt, and Seigniorage
  • 16. The Limits of Demand Management
  • 17. Supply Side Policy
  • 18. Economic Growth: Theory and Policy
  • 19. Asset Markets and Macroeconomics
  • 20. The Architecture of the International Monetary System
  • 21. Evolution of Macroeconomics

Authors, editors, and contributors

Michael Burda, Professor of Macroeconomics and Labour, Economics, Humboldt University, Berlin and Charles Wyplosz, Professor of Economics, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva

568 pages

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