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wydawnictwo: THOMPSON/S&M , rok wydania 2001, wydanie IX

cena netto: 80.00 Twoja cena  76,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

First published in 1927, Osborn's is the classic, concise dictionary of legal terms. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage including an extensive listing of journals, law reports and their abbreviations, it offers speedy access to a mass of technical terms and phrases in both English and European law. Extensive legal referencing takes all entries beyond definitions and basic context to provide a solid basis for further research.

The ninth edition of Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary has been substantially updated by a team of contributors from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. They have retained the distinctive features of previous editions whilst drawing on their expertise in many diverse areas of law to explain often complex legal vocabulary in a way that is informative and easy to understand.

Changes to this edition include:

- Greatly expanded coverage of EU law.

- Fully revised and updated entries take into account the recent legal developments including new terminology introduced by the Woolf Reforms, the Human Rights Act 1998, as well as developments in intellectual property, environment and data protection law.

- More traditional, Latin phrases not readily available in any other publication.

Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary is an essential reference for anyone studying law, as well as those in legal practice. It will also be of considerable use to accountants and anyone working in commerce or industry.

Sheila Bone (Principal Lecturer in Law) and a team of contributors, all of the University of Northumbria at Newcastle.

466 pages

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