Our best-selling book, now in its eighth edition, is packed with forms, letters
and agreements for legal protection in virtually every situation. It provides a complete
do-it-yourself library of 301 ready-to-use legal documents, written and approved by
solicitors, for business or personal use. It is there to safeguard your legal rights and
protect you, your family, your property and your business from everyday legal problems,
without the inconvenience or cost of using a solicitor.
Using 301 Legal Forms Letters & Agreements is an ideal way of getting it in
writing. What better way is there to document your important transactions, avoid costly
disputes and enforce your legal rights? In a few minutes you can draw up the legal form or
agreement you need to sidestep misunderstandings, comply with legal obligations and avoid
Areas covered include loans and borrowing, buying and selling, employment, personal and
family, credit and debt collection, transfers and assignments, business and residential
tenancy. The book also features cut-out pages for photocopying and use and forms approved
by the HMSO where applicable. It is invaluable to any individual or business who wishes to
save legal fees!
358 pages