Our parents valued products. Tangible, measurable, reassuringly solid things. Today,
products are almost indistinguishable. Our generation of consumers focuses on attitude,
emotional content and immaterial value. If you want to sell me a power drill, don't tell
me how many watts the engine is; tell me how good I'll feel when a set of shelves I've put
up stays up. This is the New Value Economy.
Value differentiation is a crucial factor for success and the question on everybody's
mind is simple: How do I stand out in the turmoil? What does it take to be unique? First
you have to change your mindset. Always front a company with the brand-never ever the
Understanding the power of a unique brand gives value-driven companies an advantage in
the market. Unique, Now or Never sets out four new tools for companies in the New Value
Economy to achieve that advantage.
352 pages hardcover