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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Political and economic trends throughout Europe - such as increasing internationalization, the introduction of the Euro, the emergence of Easdeq and other stock markets dedicated to growth companies and the new funds flowing into the venture capital industry - are contributing to the emergence of an ever-more attractive environment for venture capitalists.

Yet there is no one recipe for becoming a successful venture capitalist or private equity investor.

Up till now there has been no substitute for experience, in a world where learning-by-doing is expensive and doing it wrong can cost a whole business.

This book offers the alternative learning curve.

From identifying opportunities to successfully exiting investments, Bygrave, Hay and Peeters tackle the venture capital market issue by issue providing a full set of strategies and tools for operating successfully. The Venture Capital Handbook is illustrated by real-life case studies and practical checklists and demonstrates the latest best practice from leading experts at Berwin, PWC, Baring Private Equity Partners, Apax and London Business School. The book offers practical guidelines for navigating every step - through identifying opportunities, structuring deals, carrying out due diligence, effective post-investment venture management, and performance evaluation.

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