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wydawnictwo: ADDISON-WESLEY , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 180.00 Twoja cena  171,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Gary L. Lilien Arvind Rangaswamy, both of Penn State University
Copyright 1999, 144 pp. Paper format ISBN 0-321-04643-9

A supplement for courses in New Product Management and Brand Management.

Drawn from Lilien/Rangaswamy's Marketing Engineering, this cutting-edge Marketing Engineering Applications supplement consists of a paperback book and CD-ROM (software packages are compatible with Excel 5.0, 7.0 and Office '97 for Windows) which include sections relating to courses in new product development and brand management, allowing professors to integrate quantitative applications into these courses.

  • Text and software-Let professors integrate quantitative applications into a new product development or brand management course.
  • Six cases and software packages that meet the needs of the most pervasive analytic problems-e.g., segmentation, targeting and positioning, product design and new product forecasting.
  • Software tutorials in the book.
    • Provides students with step-by-step instructions on how to use the software.
  • Problems sets and cases-In the book, keyed to the concepts covered.
  • Flexible software-Each piece of software included on the CD-ROM has associated with it a corresponding case or problem; however, all of the software (except the ASSESSOR spreadsheet) is independent of those cases and can be used separately on other case-problems or on real problems.

1. Tutorial for Cluster Analysis.
Conglomerate Inc.'s New PDA Case.
2. Tutorial for the GE Portfolio Planning Model.
Product Planning Using the GE/McKinsey Approach at Addison Wesley Longman.
3. Tutorial for Positioning Analysis.
Positioning the Infiniti G20 Case.
Positioning the Connector Exercise.
4. Tutorial for Conjoint Analysis.
Forte Hotel Design Case.
5. Tutorial for Assessor Pretest Market Model.
Johnson Wax: Enhance (A) Case.
6. Tutorial for Generalized Bass Model.
Zenith High Definition Television (HDTV) Case.

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