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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2000, wydanie II

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

FT Guide to Strategy - 2nd Edition

ISBN: 027365022X

"Strategy has never been so simple, accessible, powerful and practically directed to raise profits" Robin Field, Chief Executive, Filofax Group

Behind every business hero lies a successful strategy. Behind every business failure lurks a bad strategy.

Developing a good strategy is remarkably simple. Yet the subject has become obscured and over-complicated by academics and consultants with their own hobby-horses and proprietary methods. Strategy has become remote from those who need it most: owners and executives.

By far the greatest value of strategy is at the sharp end of business, where line managers are fighting to create and deliver products and services that customers will prefer to those of their competitors. A new business world is emerging, which every strategist must appreciate and know how to exploit. The concepts of strategy do not need to be rewritten, but they must be adapted to the new world. The internet and the personal computer are transforming the way that business is conducted.

This second edition is fully updated and demonstrates how developing a strategy can be easy and fun, at the same time as rewarding. It reflects changes in the theory and practice of strategy and includes rounded commentary on the main theories and theorists of strategy as well as:

  • demonstrating the power of strategy to raise profits
  • providing a DIY strategy kit for managers
  • distilling strategic thinking since 1960
  • providing a lively A-Z of strategy concepts, terms and techniques.

For students, consultants and managers, Financial Times Guide to Strategy offers more insight than a whole library of academic strategy tomes and helps to deliver a strategic framework for the new business world we find ourselves in.

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