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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

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Introduction 1

MBAs and their Association 1

The Association of MBAs and quality control 1

Membership services 2

Other membership services 3

Independent MBA student of the year award 5

Business schools in the new millennium 5

The scope of the handbook 6

Risk factors 7

Questions the Association of MBAs is most often asked and the answers 8


1 Thinking it over 13

Students: characteristics and profiles 14

Student expectations and motivation 16

Employer expectations - and fears 18

Getting it together 20

Before you go any further: a checklist 21

2 How the MBA is changing 22

The impact of e-commerce 22 The alumni focus 24 It's tougher to get in 24 On-line applications 25 Talent wars 25

Corporate and virtual universities 26 Specialist MBAs 27 Accreditation 27 Globalisation 27

Re-engineering career management 28

Choosing the options 30

The full-time MBA; two-year programmes 30

The full-time MBA: one-year programmes 31

Part-time courses 33

Open or distance learning MBAs 37

Transferability 40

Exemptions 41

Home or abroad? 41

4 Choosing a school 44

The crunch questions 46 The 10 key questions 57

5 Getting in 58

Making your application 58

Application forms 59

References 61

The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)

Taking the GMAT 63

GMAT crammers - a checklist 66

Other admission criteria 66

6 Financing your MBA 67

The joys (and grief's) of being sponsored 67

Financing your own studies 68

Scholarships, awards, grants and bursaries 72

Awards/funding for MBA study 73

Applying for a scholarship 74

7 Surfing the learning curve 77

Culture shocks 78

A typical part-time residential weekend programme

Learning to study 80

Exams and assessments 80

The management project 80

The experience of overseas students 81

A week in the life of a full-time MBA student 84

8 Where does it all get you? 86

The MBA and your career 86

A graduate perspective 89

The anti-climax effect 92

Impact on salary 92

Changing places 93

The charms of consultnacy dot.coms 95

The forty somethings 97

Doing your doctorate 97

Careers offices 98

Follow your passion 98

9 Business schools and executive education 100

Corporate universities 100

Tailored vs open programmes 103

Selecting providers 104

10 School profiles 105

Ashridge; Taking partners for the MBA 105

Aston Business School's rejuvenated MBA 107

University of Bath School of Management:The full-time MBA 109

City University Business School: E-business and the MBA 112 Durham University Business School: The distance learning

MBA 114

Edinburgh University Management School's MBA in international business 116

ESCP-EAP: The full-time MBA 119

Kingston Business School: The part-time MBA 121

Macquarie Graduate School of Management 123

Manchester Business School: The full-time MBA 125

NIMBAS: Going Dutch on the MBA 128

The Open University Business School: The distance learning MBA 130

Said Business School: The Business School of the University of Oxford 133

THESEUS International Management Institute 136

Warwick Business School: The full-time MBA 138


Accreditation of MBA programmes 142

Criteria for the accreditation of MBA programmes 143

United Kingdom 147

Europe 295

North America 337

Australia 385

South Africa 393

Far East 399

Other Business Schools 411


Useful contacts 427

MBAs by distance and open learning 430

Association of MBAs accredited programmes 431

Research assessment: business and management studies 434

Table of specialist MBAs 440

Starting dates for full- and part-time MBA programmes 442

Starting dates for distance and open learning MBA programmes 445

Sample questions representative of the GMAT 446 Reading list 456 MBA-related URLS 457 Using the StudyLink MBA CD 459

Index of Schools 461

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