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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 190.00 Twoja cena  180,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Measuring Team Performance

A Step-by-Step, Customizable Approach for Managers, Facilitators, and Team Leaders

Steven D. Jones, Don J. Schilling

ISBN: 0-7879-4569-2W01 Hardcover, with CD-ROM Publication Date: Aug 2000 272 pageS

So, you've empowered your teams to make the decisions that lead to success. But how do you measure their progress and keep them accountable? This book outlines a field-tested measurement system that can be customized to fit any team. It's a system that involves every team member as it factors in customer concerns, organizational strategy, and other big-picture issues critical to success. Case studies of teams that have used this approach -- including the winners of Xerox's coveted X-Award -- illustrate how the system actually works. And the automated measurement system on the free CD-ROM helps you design your own system with confidence.

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