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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 126.00 Twoja cena  119,70 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Becoming a Better Value Creator

How to Improve the Company's Bottom Line--and Your Own

Why do some companies perform beyond expectation year after year while others start out strong but quickly fizzle? The answer lies in their ability to create long-term value. In this book, Anjan Thakor, a leading professor at the University of Michigan Business School, reveals the five secrets to creating value by incorporating the efforts of marketing, manufacturing, human resources, and finance into an overall strategy that ensures bottom-line success. What Thakor teaches lets you:

• Discover the real meaning of value, both to individuals and to organizations

• Develop keen insight into the multiple and often conflicting perspectives on value creation that exist within an organization

• Learn how to develop your own personal success strategy in tandem with the organization's own strategy for success

• Develop the appropriate measures of success

• Become a master of speed

Thakor's fresh look at what makes companies work shows managers how they can identify the factors that create value and use them to benefit their organizations and their own careers

272 pages

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