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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 188.00 Twoja cena  178,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

British Railway Privatisation

A truly amazing story told by the people who carried out the boldest privatisation of all. Richard Hope, Consultant Editor, Railway Gazette International

It seems to me an excellent and valuable record of what took place, with sufficient detail and analysis to be essential for both future historians and those wishing to learn from the experience. Brian Cox, Executive Director, Stagecoach Holdings plc

While I do not always agree with the points made, the book serves as an excellent starting point for an analysis of the privatisation process. The authors have important, sometimes controversial, but always interesting insights. Rt.Hon.John., MACGREGOR OBE MP

The privatisation of British Rail-why did it take place? How was it implemented? What lessons were learnt?

Drawing on detailed interviews with key government and industry figures. All Change:

British Railway Privatisation, provides an insider's view of one of the most significant events in British transport history. The book reveals, for the first time, the factors influencing the formulation of railway privatisation policy and examines the issues which arose during its implementation.

The consequences of the privatisation process are openly discussed and suggestions are offered for future policy strategists. The book concludes by looking forward to the future of rail services in Britain.

Written by a prestigious team of authors, this book offers a range of unique and engaging insights into the privatisation of a national institution.

250 pages

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