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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 100.00 Twoja cena  95,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Customer Service Over the Phone

The inception of this book was a speech I delivered at a telecommunication conference on the subject of. Handling Calls from Difficult Customers and the Related Stress. As I described calls from difficult customers, I observed nods of approval and empathy. Immediately after my presentation, many attendees thanked me for accurately describing the customer service environment and for the practical techniques on problem solving. They told me that information on handling difficult customers and problem solving is rare because most professionals are not willing to admit their companies have problems or that their customers get angry. I knew this was a topic worth covering in more detail.

In this book, I have expanded on the ideas of that speech to make this information available to all customer service representatives (CSRs). This includes receptionists, customer service representatives, technical support representatives, airline reservation representatives, hotel clerks and financial account representatives.

The purpose of this book is to enhance the one-on-one interaction between CSRs and customers. Included is a chapter on the importance of using the correct words when working with customers which will enable you to be proactive, efficient and helpful rather than antagonistic.

There are also a few chapters on problem solving. These chapters express the importance of containing adverse situations prior to resolving them. Included is a simple troubleshooting flowchart which when applied, provides a consistent problem solving method. It will help develop your problem solving skills at a time when customers are more demanding than ever.

The last few chapters describe the social and business changes that have resulted in rising customer expectations and an increase in on the job stress. Within each chapter there are short stories, case studies and practical illustrations. While the characters in my stories are fictitious, real-life experiences inspired each event.

Prior to writing this book, I conducted a survey involving hundreds of CSRs. I asked what subjects would be most beneficial and more than half of those surveyed suggested I focus on the following three issues: (1) How to communicate correct words when working with adversity, (2) How to handle the stress of customer service and (3) How to overcome obstacles and solve problems. These three issues are covered in this book as well as other pertinent customer service information.

Most customers will not bother to complain about bad service. They'll just buy somewhere else the next time. Satisfying customers and solving problems with a sense of urgency is imperative in today's fast paced business climate. Listening to customer's complaints, once considered a drain on resources, has become a marketing strategy for customer retention. Managers looking to implement this new strategy may sense some apprehension among front line people because CSRs have to bear the brunt of customer anger and frustration. The techniques in this book will help CSRs resolve problems, satisfy customer complaints and increase customer retention.

The irate customer is at war with you and your company and he thinks your company fired the first shot. Your job is to remove any resemblance of a conflict by absorbing some rash comments and verbal abuse, by not retaliating with similar behavior and by containing the situation and resolving the problem.


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