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Dictionary of Financial Terms

It is hard to pick up a newspaper or magazine, | listen to a news report, or walk by an airport TV monitor | without coming across financial terms that sound familiar, but whose precise meanings elude you.

We hear about leading economic indicators, electronic day traders, market caps, bond swaps, upticks and downticks, and a host of other perplexing terms. Knowing what these words mean-for understanding the state of the economy, the | intriguing events unfolding on Wall Street, and the investments Iwe've made, or plan to make has become more a necessity than a vocabulary exercise.

After reviewing dozens of financial dictionaries and online glossaries, we realized that many of the definitions seemed .cryptic and legal sounding, and not very practical for everyday j use. So we created this easy-to-read financial dictionary, using | the techniques that have made our earlier guides so popular plain, straightforward language, vivid and informative graphics, and most important, explanations that are meaningful to you (as an investor.

Since there are many financial terms that can be easily k confused (what's the difference between NASD and Nasdaq, jor between a market and an exchange, anyway? we created special pages to help distinguish these similar sounding or .frequently confused terms.

To keep the dictionary current, we are also providing updates to existing words, as well as introducing new terms, on our website at www.lightbulbpress.com. If you come across financial terms you think others would benefit from knowing about, you can e-mail us at that same website. We'll do our best to include them in future editions.


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