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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie IV

cena netto: 280.00 Twoja cena  266,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

New Focus Company: Outback Steakhouse replaces Wal-Mart as the Focus Company in Chapter 11. This change provides students with less complex but more illustrative financial examples for the chapter covering "Reporting and Interpreting Owner's Equity". Papa John's International is retained as the Focus Company in chapters 2, 3, and 4. Reviewers find this to be an excellent example company because of its currency and popularity among students.

Improved Design: The text has been completely redesigned for clarity and accessibility. Custom artwork, new icons and "info-graphics" were developed by an outside artist and shaped for pedagogical value. The whole look and feel of the text is lighter and brighter.
Organization of the Chapter: A graphic begins each chapter to provide a visual framework of the material to be covered in the chapter. This is a good quick -reference guide to help students easily find a topic in the chapter for later study.
Chapter Take-Aways Retained: Numbered end-of-chapter summary that follows the learning objectives outlined at the beginning of the chapter. This feature is in response to reviewers who felt that the paragraph format of the chapter summary in previous editions was not as useful or likely to be used by students as these "bulleted" points.

New Multiple Choice Questions: In response to reviewer and market requests, multiple choice questions have been added to the end of each chapter.

New Annual Report: The Annual Report for Abercrombie and Fitch replaces Urban Outfitters and joins the updated annual report for American Eagle Outfitters--both are reprinted in the appendices for easy reference by students.


  • Strong End of Chapter Material: The authors have ensured good correlation between the topics that are covered in the chapter and the EOC materials. In response to reviewers, more easy to medium--level questions are provided. Alternate Problems added to the end of chapter material to provide instructors with greater flexibility. For instance, an instructor could use one as an in-class example, assign another, or put another on a test or quiz. This was in direct response to reviewer and user feedback.
    Finding the Financial Information section organizes the information into a graphic that includes: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flows and Notes.
    End of chapter material is organized into a broad variety of categories: Questions, Mini-exercises, Exercises, Problems, Alternate Problems, Cases and Projects. Icons delineate the focus of the questions/problems/cases. They include International, Ethics, Team Work, Writing Assignments, and Focus on Cash Flows.
    Learning Objectives are in the margin of the end of chapter materials.
  • Focus Company Approach: Integrates real-world business and accounting practices by building each chapter around the operations and real financial statements of engaging, student oriented Focus Companies such as Callaway Golf, Timberland, Harley-Davidson, and Papa John's. This integration, as opposed to presenting various company financials as disjointed vignettes, distinguishes the Libby approach by demonstrating career relevance and conveying the excitement of real accounting and reporting issues and problems. Contrasting companies are also used to illustrate variety and a different perspective from the Focus Company.
  • Emphasis on Different Aspects of Management: Each chapter emphasizes a different aspect of management, including marketing strategy, human resources, financing strategy, manufacturing, corporate communication, and mergers and acquisitions. This directly demonstrates the relevance of material to a variety of future careers. It also points out the true integrative nature of the Libby presentation of Financial Accounting.
  • Strong User Orientation: Chapter material is selected for its relevance to understanding real companies, financial statements, and real management decisions. Unrealistic topics and practices have been eliminated. Pure record-keeping functions have been included in appendices or reserved for future coursework. By eliminating the recordkeeping emphasis, the authors use basic transaction analysis, journal entries, and T-accounts to provide the structure for understanding the interplay between management decisions and financial statements and the analysis of financial statements.
  • "Financial Analysis" feature: This feature appears throughout the text, and relates directly to the decisions faced by managers and the users of financial statements at the focus and contrasting companies. The Financial Analysis feature provides current, interesting information that makes the content relevant and interesting to students. The examples featured make the technical material come alive, helping students better understand and remember its significance in decision making.
  • "Focus on Cash Flows" feature: Identified by an icon, these sections are found within most chapters and provide a discussion and analysis of changes in the cash flow of the Focus Company being discussed and the decisions that resulted in the changes in cash flow. These discussions encourage students to think more critically about the decisions they will face with as managers and the impact those decisions will have on the company's cash flow.
  • "International Perspective" feature: This feature appears throughout the text, and exposes students to a variety of reporting practices used throughout the world. Today's students will become tomorrow's global executives, and as a result, they need to understand and appreciate the implications of different accounting practices. International accounting sections are incorporated in each chapter and in the homework material.
  • "Question of Ethics" feature: Accounting ethics is integrated into each chapter (and end of chapter materials) to convey to students the importance of acting responsibly in business practice.
  • Self-Study Quizzes: Active learning creates attention and promotes retention. This unique feature stops students at strategic points throughout each chapter to make sure key points are understood before they move on. The quizzes often require that students prepare or use financial statement disclosures based on actual companies to reinforce the usefulness of what they are learning.
  • "Building Block Approach": The authors employ a building block approach in that they consistently cover the basics before addressing more complex issues. Further, the technical material is presented with clear step-by-step presentations within the realistic examples. Numerous exhibits and other visual aids are used to increase comprehension and learning.
    Appropriate examples and explanation for the introductory student: The pace, depth of coverage, and level of difficulty of the material and examples are carefully matched to the needs and abilities of introductory students.
  • Improved Key Ratio Analysis boxed feature helps students understand and interpret ratios. Each box presents ratio analysis for the focus company in the chapter, as well as with comparative companies. Cautions are also provided to help students understand the limitations of certain ratios.
    Focus on Cash Flows section discusses general cash flow information, as well provides specific analysis based on the chapter's focus company.
    Journal entries are consistently shown with their impact on the accounting equation. The accounting equation is used throughout the book, as it is an excellent way to teach students how financial statements and the larger accounting information system works.

Table of Contents

1. Financial Statements and Business Decisions
2. Investing and Financing Decisions and the Balance Sheet
3. Operation Decisions and the Income Statement
4. Adjustment, Financial Statements, and the Quality of Earnings
5. Communicating and Interpreting Accounting Information
6. Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash
7. Reporting and Interpreting Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory
8. Reporting and Interpreting Property, Plant, and Equipment: Natural Resources; and Intangibles
9. Reporting and Interpreting Liabilities
10. Reporting and Interpreting Bonds
11. Reporting and Interpreting Owners' Equity
12. Reporting and Interpreting Investments in Other CorporationsInc.
13. Statement of Cash Flows
14. Analyzing Financial Statements
Appendix A:Present and Future Value Tables Appendix B:American Eagle Outfitters Annual Report Appendix C:Abercrombie & Fitch 10K Appendix D:Industry Ratio Report

760 pages

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