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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Hidden Value

How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results from Ordinary People

O`Reilly III

August 2000 320 pages Paperback 0875848982

This title provides vivid, detailed case studies of several organizations in widely disparate industries and illustrates how long-term success comes from value-driven, interrelated systems that align good people management with corporate strategy. Hidden Value offers a customizable template for building high-performance, people-centered organizations.

Key Features

  • The authors invite readers to solve a mystery as they proceed through the book-to figure out how some firms have succeeded while others have failed in getting the best out of their people.
  • Readers will learn how to build the capability within the organization so that it's the right organization and not just dependent on finding and keeping the few right people.


Preface. Acknowledgments. Chapter 1. The Right People or the Right Organization? Chapter 2. Southwest Airlines: If Success Is So Simple, Why Is It So Hard to Imitate? Chapter 3. Cisco Systems: Acquiring and Retaining Talent in Hypercompetitive Markets. Chapter 4.The Men's Wearhouse: Growth in a Declining Market. Chapter 5. SAS Institute: Succeeding with Old-Fashioned Values in a New Industry. Chapter 6. PSS World Medical: Opening the Books. Chapter 7. AES: Is This Global Company Out of Control? Chapter 8. New United Motors Manufacturing, Inc.: Transforming People and Systems. Chapter 9. Cypress Semiconductor: What's Missing? Chapter 10. Unlocking the Hidden Value in All of Your People. Index.

For : Managers and Human Resources practitioners.

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