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Selling Through Independent Reps

Selling through independent reps is a powerful method for improving market share, rapidly penetrating new markets, developing a strong sensitivity to local markets, and reaching impressive new targets in your organization's growth trajectory-and with very little expense on your part.

But for all the benefits, it's not a hands-off, no-fuss strategy. Developing a highly skilled, highly motivated independent sales force requires careful, thoughtful, continual management. Otherwise, you fall prey to the mistakes many of your competitors make, such as hiring the wrong team, or being fuzzy on objectives, or providing inadequate support for the reps.

Now you can learn how to sidestep the problems-and maximize the benefits-with the third edition of the most comprehensive and trusted guide to the topic: Selling Through Independent Reps. The book gives you a proven six-step process for successfully mobilizing an independent sales force to reach your goals.

You'll learn how to:

1. Define your objectives, and design strategies for achieving them.

2. Determine which sales channels best fit those strategies.

3. Create a profile of the rep that best matches your short- and long-term needs.

4. Locate the best available rep for each channel, in each trading area.

5. Develop a total support system to ensure channel commitment.

6. Audit the entire system constantly, making adjustments for changing conditions.

In addition, Selling Through Independent Reps cuts through damaging misperceptions and flagrant misinformation, giving you a clear idea about what sales reps are all about, how they differ from direct salespeople, and what motivates them to excel. And you'll find sample documents, forms, and letters to help you structure equitable contracts and commissions.

PLUS: This third edition includes valuable new chapters on legal issues and trends... new information about integrating sales force automation systems with independent rep networks... updated guidelines on using independent sales organizations in foreign countries... new case studies and appendices-including a thorough and up-to-date reference list of independent reps-and more.

Whether your company is currently considering using independent reps or has used them for years, whether yours is an industrial-products or a consumer-oriented organization, whether you are in a multibillion-dollar corporation or an entrepreneurial venture: This book offers key insights and a proven methodology for maximizing your sales and profits using independent reps.

Harold J. Novick is president of Novick & Associates, Inc., a general management and industrial marketing consulting firm that specializes in helping companies increase sales and profits by using independent reps and distributors. His clients include Babcock & Wilcox, DuPont, Mitsubishi, Monsanto, and Unisys. Previously, Mr. Novick served as president of the Permutit Company, Inc., and Garry Manufacturing Company, and as Group Executive at Research-Cottrell. He has also held senior sales and marketing positions at Joy Manufacturing Company and Westinghouse. He is the author of the two previous editions of this book, and his articles have appeared in Industry Week, Business Marketing, Management Review, and many other magazines. He lives in Pittstown, New Jersey.

344 pages

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