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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 220.00 Twoja cena  209,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Simulation Modeling Methods To Reduce Risks And Increase Performance

In today's razor's-edge business world, your organization can't afford to implement untested systems and processes. Before you go live, simulation of these new methods is vital for assessing how they will perform when subjected to real-world pressures over time.

Simulation Modeling Methods outlines the process simulation methods used to help major companies substantially increase both the efficiency and the cost-effectiveness of their most important systems. This dynamic book/CD package was specifically designed to give you a working template for:

- process simulation assessment and planning,

- implementation steps for effective simulation,

- results measurement for continuous improvement.

While one-dimensional tools such as flowcharts and spreadsheets have their place, you will need effective computer simulation methods to predict important how, when, why, and what-if scenarios. Simulation Modeling Methods combines the latest process improvement research and a hands-on, multimedia CD-ROM disk with real-world success stories, such as IBM's decreasing distribution costs by $40 million per year and Hallmark Cards' reducing cycle time from 80 to 8 days. These success stories and others will help you place new or improved systems into live-action scenarios. The result will be dramatically lowered implementation costs, scheduled slippages, and on-the-job errors, providing a keen competitive edge in today's highly charged global marketplace.

379 pages

Look to the Simulation Modeling Methods interactive CD-ROM for:

- a three-phased approach to successful implementation,

- Simulation Modeling training,

- stories of how IBM, Tropicana, and others have benefited from simulation modeling,

- a demonstration of an order processing simulation model.

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