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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 377.00 Twoja cena  358,15 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Purchasing Handbook

The One-Stop, Up-to-Date, Problem-Solving Toolbox for Every Purchasing and Supply Management Professional

Purchasing and supply management has become one of the business world's most rapidly emerging-and evolving-business disciplines. Strategies and practices that are state-of-the-art one day become outdated the next.

The Purchasing & Supply Yearbook: 2000 Edition provides the "Best of the Best" thinking from today's most prominent P&S researchers and practitioners. Reprinted articles from professional and popular journals including Industry Week, Logistics, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, Purchasing Today, and others-plus original articles written to bring the far-reaching topics into focus-comprise a one-stop, up-to-date anthology on subjects including:

• Supplier Management

Discover how Cintas measurably trimmed costs and increased effectiveness by forging partnerships with suppliers.

• Supplier Awards

A comprehensive study reveals how companies such as Intel and Bethlehem Steel produce real benefits from award programs.

• Customer/Supplier Agreements

Step-by-step blueprints and analyses outline necessary and desired coverage that will help both purchaser and supplier.

E-commerce rules and regulations ... case studies of turning purchasing into a profit center ... supply chain management ... target costing ... muaarity supplier development... it's all here. Whether for current advances or long-standing practices, let The Purchasing & Supply Yearbook enhance your knowledge and performance-and strengthen your organization-for 2000 and beyond.

Welcome to the first edition o/The Purchasing & Supply Yearbook, a resource designed to help you stay current with this rapidly emerging area of management practices.

With those opening lines, John Woods and the National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM) introduce a one-of-a-kind new reference for purchasing and supply professionals around the world. The Purchasing & Supply Yearbook provides practical, hands-on articles-written by leading professionals-that will help you solve purchasing and supply dilemmas as you learn to take advantage of the latest technologies and management practices.

More than 50 current articles encompass the breadth and scope of today's purchasing discipline. Spanning industries from technology to business, accounting to engineering, they provide current information on the most useful and innovative ideas, techniques, and strategies. Whether reviewing information on commonly accepted standards and practices or introducing major changes in the state of the art, they will help you effectively solve long-term problems with modem practices.

Designed to be your most trusted and helpful source of information whenever you have a question or problem concerning purchasing and supply management issues. The Purchasing & Supply Yearbook accomplishes four major goals:

Creates an accessible clearinghouse

To cut your information search time-when time may be all you have-it packs a wide variety of magazine and journal articles into one convenient resource.

Emphasizes new practices

The Purchasing & Supply Yearbook helps you better understand how the field is evolving, and which practices arc now falling under the P&S manager's responsibility.

Develops an authoritative review

Current... reliable ... authoritative.... If you read it in The Purchasing & Supply Yearbook, you know it was written by a top practitioner or researcher- and can be trusted.

Creates a rewarce of lasting value

While its strength is in its currency, the Yearbook's information will continue to be applicable, useful, and day-in-day-out valuable for years to come.

In addition to six carefully defined, clearly delineated sections focusing on different aspects of P&S

542 pages

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