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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILLL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie III

cena netto: 490.00 Twoja cena  465,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Structure of Economics a Mathematical Analysis

In this book we explore the insights that elementary mathematics affords the study of positive economics. We do not explore these issues to their fullest generality or mathematical rigor. Although generality and rigor are important economic goods, their production, because of the above-mentioned law of diminishing returns, entails increasing marginal costs. Thus we are usually content with intuitive, heuristic proofs of many mathematical propositions. We refer students to standard mathematics texts for rigorous discussions of various theorems we use in this book. We aimed for that unobservable margin where for the bulk of our readers, the marginal benefits of greater rigor and generality equal their respective marginal costs. By example after example we hope to convince the reader that these elementary tools yield interesting and sometimes profound insights into modem economics.

A note to students and instructors: Long experience teaching this material, and the authors' own experiences in learning it, have made it abundantly clear that mastering this material is impossible without doing the problems. So do the problems! The only true indicator of understanding is that you can explain the solution to someone else. An Instructor's Manual is available from McGraw-Hill.

668 pages

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