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wydawnictwo: REUTERS , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Hardcover Pages: 328 Copyright: 2001

Within the world of banking, customer's needs have not changed, nor has the basic nature of the banking services they require. However, the way banks meet these needs, and the framework within which services are delivered, have altered beyond recognition in the last twenty years alone.

Banks have had to adapt to a host of new phenomena ranging from regulatory issues, risk management and new technology to globalization, consolidation and branding.

The Future of Banking presents the opinions and predictions of the chief operators within the banking industry; the people dealing with these phenomena, and leading change.

At a time when the financial environment has never been more volatile, this book offers invaluable insight and interpretation from the most knowledgeable people in the business. It features interviews with each of these practitioners, and provides an analytical summary of the current and future trends and concerns highlighted by them.


PART I An overview

The interviews Consolidation Globalization The role of IT Information security Internet banking Risk Blurring of demarcation between financial functions Competition New entrants The euro Regulation Conclusion

PART II The interviews

SIR JOHN BOND Chairman, HSB Holdings

MARSHALL CARTER Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, State Street Corporation

ANGEL CORCOSTEGUI Chief Executive, Banco Santander Central Hispano (BSCH)

ANDREW CROCKETT Managing Director, BIS (Bank fo'fSettlement)

HOWARD DAVIES Chairman, Financial Services Authority (FSA) UK

ROGER FERGUSON Vice-Chairman, Federal Reserve Board

RICHARD GRASSO Chairman, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

WILLIAM B. HARRISON, JR Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chase Manhattan Corporation

ALEX RINNOOY KAN ING Board Member and Head of ING Asset Management

HENRY KAUFMAN President, Henry Kaufman & Company Inc.

DAVID KOMANSKY Chief Executive and Chairman, Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.

DICK KOVACEVICH Chief Executive Officer, Wells Fargo & Company / 179

DAVID LI Chairman, Bank of East Asia Limited

WILLIAM McDONOUGH President, New York Federal Reserve

RICHARD MEDLEY Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Medley Global Advisors

LEO MELAMED Chairman Emeritus and Senior Policy Adviser, Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sakura Dellsher Inc.

HANK PAULSON Chief Executive, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.


ROBERT POZEN President and Chief Executive, Fidelity Management & Research Company

ALESSANDRO PROFUMO Chief Executive Officer, UniCredito Italiano

CARLO SALVATORI Chief Executive Officer, Banca Intesa

DR HENNING SCHULTE-NOELLE Chief Executive, Allianz

KATSUYUKI SUGITA President and Chief Executive Officer, Dai-lchi Kangyo Bank Limited


ERNST WELTEKE President, Bundesbank

PETER WUFFLI Chief Executive Officer, UBS Brinson

FRANK ZARB Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)

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