Portfolio Theory and Asset
Pricing Edwin J. Eiton and Martin J. Gruber
Investments, a two-volume
collection of articles in investment and portfolio management, spans the thirty-five-year
collaborative effort of two key figures in finance. Each of the nine sections begins with
an overview that introduces the main contributions of the pieces and traces the
development of the field. Each volume contains a foreword by Nobel laureate Harry
This volume presents the
authors' groundbreaking work on estimating the inputs to portfolio optimization, including
the analysis of alternative structures such as single and multi-index models in
forecasting correlations; portfolio maximization under alternative specifications for
return structures; the impact of CAPM and APT in the investment process; and taxes and
portfolio composition.
Edwin j. Eiton and Martin j.
Gruber are both Nomura Professors of Finance at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business,
New York University, and former Presidents of the American Finance Association.
I Inputs to Portfolio
Management 1 Dependence Structure
1 Estimating the Dependence
Structure of Share Prices; Implications for Portfolio Selection
2 Are Betas Best? with Thomas
J. Urich
3 A Multi-index Risk Model of
the Japanese Stock Market
4 Do Investors Care About
Sentiment?with Jeffrey A. Busse
5 Valuation and Asset
Selection under Alternative Investment Opportunities
II Solving for Optional
6 Simple Criteria for Optimal
Portfolio Selection with Manfred W. Padberg
7 Simple Criteria for Optimal
Portfolio Selection: Tracing Out the Efficient Frontier with Manfred W. Padberg
8 Simple Rules for Optimal
Portfolio Selection: The Multi-group Case with Manfred W. Padberg
9 Simple Rules for Optimal
Portfolio Selection in Stable Paretian Markets with Vijay S. Bawa
10 Portfolio Analysis with
Partial Information: The Case of Grouped Data Management Science
III Other Objective Functions
201 Single-period Analysis
11 On the Maximization of the
Geometric Mean with Log-Normal Return Distribution
12 Portfolio Theory When
Investment Relatives Are Log-Normally Distributed
13 Optimal Investment
Strategies with Investor Liabilities
14 Portfolio Analysis with a
Nonnormal Multi-index Return-Generating Process Review of Quantitative Finance and
Multi-period Analysis
15 Dynamic Programming
Applications in Finance
16 On the Optimality of Some
Multi-period Portfolio Selection Criteria
17 The Multi-period
Consumption Investment Problem and Single Period Analysis
IV Equilibrium
18 Non-Standard c.a.p.m.s and
the Market Portfolio
19 The Arbitrage Pricing
Model and Returns on Assets under Uncertain Inflation with Joel Rentzler
20 On the Robustness of the
Roll and Ross Arbitrage Pricing Theory with D. Chinhyung Cho
V Taxes and Portfolio
21 Marginal Stockholder Tax
Rates and the Clientele Effect
22 The Ex-Dividend Day
Behavior of Stock Prices, A Re-examination of the Clientele Effect: A Comment with Joel
23 A Simple Examination of
the Empirical Relationship between Dividend Yields and Deviations from the CAPM with
Joel Rentzler
24 Taxes and Portfolio
VI The Past and the Future
25 Modem Portfolio Theory,
1950 to Date
468 pages