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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie II

cena netto: 85.00 Twoja cena  80,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Working Knowledge

How Organizations Mange What They Know

"An elegantly simple overview of the 'knowledge market'.... A solid dose of common sense for any company looking to acquire or maintain a competitive edge."

"The book by two of the leading thinkers in the knowledge management field, Thomas H. Davenport and Laurence Prusak, introduces concepts that will long stand the test of time."

"Managers who have grown weary from a diet of fascinating but abstract discussions of intellectual capital and organizational learning will do well to pick up a copy of Working Knowledge. Davenport and Prusak tackle the practical issues of how companies can generate, codify, and transfer knowledge. In short, they provide a blueprint of how to put knowledge to work as a source of competitive advantage. This book is a must read for corporate-level executives and information management specialists alike." Christopher Bartlett, Professor of General Management, Harvard Business School

ThodiaS ti. DaVPnpOrt is the Director of the Andersen Consulting Institute for Strategic Change, a research center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is also a Professor at the Boston University School of Management and a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Babson College.

Laurence Prusak is Executive Director of the IBM Institute for Knowledge Management in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has taught in several leading universities on the topic of knowledge management and is frequently quoted in such periodicals as Fortune, Business Week, and CIO.

198 pages

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