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wydawnictwo: DRYDEN , rok wydania 2000, wydanie II

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Advertising Campaign Strategy

A Guide to Marketing Communication Plans

These are exciting and challenging times. New ideas, new media, and new technology are having a profound effect on the way advertising is conceived, created, and delivered. We are in the midst of a true communications revolution. Changes are taking place seemingly everywhere and everyday. The challenge to educators is to understand exactly what is changing and sort out what is effective and what may be simply a passing trend.

Because of the speed with which many changes take place today, neither educators nor students can afford the luxury of gradually learning about new developments. Technology, especially with respect to the Internet, is swiftly and dramatically changing the way companies are doing business. Companies and individuals that proceed slowly run the risk that their knowledge will quickly become dated. Many changes are translated into buzz words that are used as a lilmus test to discover whether someone is current on the change dujour.

It is not enough, however, to identify and understand change, one has to figure out how to thrive in the new marketing environment. Yet, one gets the distinct feeling that many changes are occurring faster than the field's ability to fully evaluate their effectiveness. One common occurrence is that students often readily adopt changes or new approaches faster than their instructors. Students see what's going on in advertising, but usually they do not have the analytical tools or the knowledge to judge whether what they see is effective. Educators, on the other hand, are much more likely to evaluate new developments or approaches in terms of their experience For example, many highly creative image-oriented commercials are widely admired by students. These same ads are sometimes viewed more skeptically by educators, especially when these ads either ignore or are contrary to many of the principles that have been widely accepted over the years. Among advertising practitioners, it's easy to find conflicting opinions about the relative merits of a specific advertising campaign or approach.

We offer no easy solutions. Our approach is to offer a detailed examination of the campaign process with a special emphasis on the analytical and strategic elements that are likely to lead to effective campaigns. We know there will always be advertising that works for reasons that resist analysis. But we do believe that if you understand the concepts that underlie successful advertising, when changes occur in the marketplace you will be in position to better understand and exploit them.

In the first edition of this book, we were sensitive to titling the book Advertising Campaign Strategy even though it was clear to us the book was all about marketing communication strategy. We pointed out then that the advertising emphasis in the title was more a reflection of tradition than a belief that advertising can or should be prepared apart from other marketing communication tools such as sales promotion or public relations. We believe that the title and the orientation of the book have been well received. We continue to stress that smart companies begin with the premise that they are planning a marketing communication campaign-not an advertising campaign. This assumption not only helps companies avoid any over-reliance on advertising, but it also helps them proactively consider other promotional options as part of a unified selling strategy.

Contents in Brief

Chapter 1 Advertising from a Marketing Communications Perspective

Chapter 2 The Research Foundation I: Understanding Clients and Buyers

Chapter 3 The Research Foundation II: Market, Product, and Competitive Analyses

Chapter 4 Equity, Problems, Opportunities, and Objectives

Chapter 5 Building the Marketing Communication Strategy

Chapter 6 Developing a Creative Strategy that Moves People

Chapter 7 Media Strategy and Tactics

Chapter 8 Related Marketing Communication

Chapter 9 Enhancing the Marketing Communication Mix

Chapter 10 Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Campaign

Chapter 11 Preparing the Plans Book

Chapter 12 Preparing a Winning Presentation

368 pages

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