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wydawnictwo: DRYDEN , rok wydania 2000, wydanie IX

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Contemporary Marketing Wired

The new edition of our best-selling Contemporary Marketing text is wired for twenty-first-century marketing. And now more than ever you'll want to plug into this marketing powerhouse!

In our ninth edition, Contemporary Marketing continues to add to its collection of precedent-setting firsts. More than a million students have been introduced to the dynamic world of marketing through Contemporary Marketing. And after reading this sampling of our many firsts, we hope you'll understand why Contemporary Marketing continues to rank first with instructors and students alike.

The FIRST marketing text written specifically for the student rather than the professor featuring a clear, concise style that readers can readily understand and enjoy.

The FIRST marketing text based on marketing research and written the way instructors actually teach the course.

The FIRST text to integrate computer applications into each chapter.

The FIRST text to employ extensive pedagogy such as boxed features to breathe life into exciting real-world concepts and issues of marketing.

The FIRST text to introduce end-of-chapter video cases tied to professionally produced video segments.

The FIRST text to offer services and international chapters early and to thoroughly integrate those topics throughout the textbook with literally hundreds of examples.

The FIRST text to include a separate chapter on quality and customer satisfaction.

The FIRST text to utilize multimedia technology to integrate all components of the principles of marketing ancillary program Contemporary Marketing laser discs linked to videos, overhead transparencies, and material from the text enabling instructors to custom create exciting, energetic lecture presentations.

the Internet, CD-ROM, and multimedia to traditional as well as emerging marketing concepts. Creative assignments and exercises give students hands-on experience in applying technological advances to real marketing issues. Engaging in-text examples now include company Web addresses and students can glean additional information and insight from Contemporary Marketing's own home page.

The improvements to the new edition are so extensive and so far-reaching that even the title of the text has been modified to Contemporary Marketing The change reflects not simply a new edition, but a new approach to the marketing discipline.

NEW! Technology-Based Chapter Openers

Innovative chapter opening vignettes illustrate current marketing technology in action and link real-world scenarios to chapter concepts. Each vignette describes how an actual company has applied technology to its competitive advantage. The marketing research chapter (Chapter 6) opens with descriptions of Internet and Web databases, while the retailing coverage chapter (Chapter 15) begins with discussions of the virtual store and the advertising chapter (Chapter 18) with cyberspace media.

MORE! Technology in Marketing Research

Coverage of technology in marketing research has been expanded to include more examples of high-tech tools and more coverage of how computers are used to support marketing decision systems, including marketing databases, data warehouses, and decision support systems.

NEW! for the Ninth Edition

Contemporary Marketing™ is the FIRST to integrate a true technology emphasis throughout the text and package. The ninth edition incorporates the technology theme into svery facet: opening vignettes, chapter concepts, end-of-:hapter assignments, boxed features, cases, and innova-ively packaged items. The text applies today's technology-

NEW! netWork Technology Exercises

End-of-chapter 'netWork applications give students hands-on experience employing the Internet in marketing-related exercises. These cutting-edge exercises:

Contain problems that require students to locate data on different Web sites.

Include computer exercises that can be completed at the Contemporary Marketing Wired Web site...

716 pages

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