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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2001, wydanie II

cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena  247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Handbook of Management

For the manager in the front line there are no easy answers. Recent years have seen the cloud of managerial certainty dramatically dispersed. From being fixated on universal solutions and elusive quick fixes, management has come of age.

After representing a rational and analytical art, management has broken its ties. Rationalism has given way to dynamism; solutions have been replaced by questions.

Financial Times Handbook of Management is written in this new spirit. It does not offer immediate solutions for unique situations; instead it raises issues, poses questions and examines emergent management thinking and best practice from an array of angles.

The Handbook is an ignition point. It brings together a cornucopia of ideas, practices and thinking, with the intention of prompting further questioning, exploration and reading.

More than ever before, Management is perplexing and challenging. Financial Times Handbook of Management captures the state of this indispensable, inspiring, invigorating and essential art.

779 pages

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