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wydawnictwo: LONGMAN , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Pressure Groups in British Politics

Pressure Groups in British Politics provides a fascinating appraisal of an increasingly important area of politics in Britain. Beginning with a definition of pressure groups and an examination of their historical development since 1945, including their expansion into EU lobbying, the author goes on to discuss and analyse the changing strategies of pressure groups and their effectiveness in influencing the policy-making process.

Key features:

• Coverage of the theoretical aspects of pressure groups

• Brief case studies covering actual pressure group activity ,

• Illustrated with black and white photographs .

• End of chapter further reading references providingadditional useful sources

Written in an accessible and lively style, Pressure Groups in British Politics will be a welcome fresh perspective on, what is becoming, a fundamentally important component of British post-war politics.

Bill Coxall was a Senior Lecturer in Humanities at Brighton University.

202 pages

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