Statistical Techniques in
Business and Economics,hbk
Comprehensive survey of
statistical tools and methods in a student friendly step-by-step format. Concepts
presented clearly and succinctly and then illustrated with solved examples. Supporting
pedagogy reinforces concepts. Text is the best seller in this market
exercises related to companies Cases added to Review Sections after groups of chapter's
challenges students to pull together the necessary material from more than one concept to
consider business problems Use of p-values integrated in the hypothesis testing
discussions throughout the text Regression and correlation analysis includes more
realistic examples and more observations to emphasise decision-making aspects Over 154
more exercises were added - an increase of 19% Examples Worked solutions to all
odd-numbered text exercises in the back of the book give students immediate feedback on
more than just the correct answer Computer data exercises Web exercises related to
companies Cases added to Review Sections after groups of chapter's challenges students to
pull together the necessary material from more than one concept to consider business
problems Use of p-values integrated in the hypothesis testing discussions throughout the
text Regression and correlation analysis includes more realistic examples and more
observations to emphasise decision-making aspects Over 154 more exercises have been added
Examples Worked solutions to all odd-numbered text exercises in the back of the book give
students immediate feedback on more than just the correct answer Computer data exercises
Table of Contents
What is Statistics?
Describing Data: Frequency Distributions and Graphic Presentation. Describing Data:
Measures of Location. Describing Data: Measures of Dispersion. A Survey of Probability
Concepts. Discrete Probability Distributions. The Normal Probability Distribution.
Sampling Methods and Sampling Distributions. Tests of Hypothesis: Large Samples. Tests of
Hypothesis: Small Samples. Analysis of Variance. Linear Regression and Correlation.
Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis. Nonparametric Methods: Chi-Square
Applications. Nonparametric Methods: Analysis of Ranked Data. Statistical Quality Control.
Index Numbers. Time Series and Forecasting. An Introduction to Decision Making Under
Uncertainty.What is Statistics? Describing Data: Frequency Distributions and Graphic
Presentation. Describing Data: Measures of Location. Describing Data: Measures of
Dispersion. A Survey of Probability Concepts. Discrete Probability Distributions. The
Normal Probability Distribution. Sampling Methods and Sampling Distributions. Tests of
Hypothesis: Large Samples. Tests of Hypothesis: Small Samples. Analysis of Variance.
Linear Regression and Correlation. Multiple Regression and Correlation Analysis.
Nonparametric Methods: Chi-Square Applications. Nonparametric Methods: Analysis of Ranked
Data. Statistical Quality Control. Index Numbers. Time Series and Forecasting. An
Introduction to Decision Making Under Uncertainty.
928 pages /CD
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