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wydawnictwo: MIT PRESS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

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Planning, Shortage, and Transformation

Essays in Honor of Janos Kornai

The three major themes of Janos Kornai's work reflected in the title of this book planning, shortage, and transition, or transformation figure prominently in the essays. After a philosophical introduction by Edmond Malinvaud, the book is divided into three sections: Markets and Organizations, Theory of Transition, and The Transitional Experience.

Janos Kornai is one of the world's leading experts on the economics of socialism and transition. An early advocate of reform in Hungary, he has written penetrating analyses of centrally planned economies and their transformation to market-oriented systems. This volume is being published in celebration of Kornai's seventieth birthday.

A Short Biography of Janos Kornai


Introduction: Some Notes on Assessments about Economic Systems

Edmond Malinvaud


1 Monopoly under Labor Management

Abram Bergson

2 Walras-Keynes Equilibria Coordination and Macroeconomics

Jacques H. Dreze

3 Viable Domains in the Control Space

Bela Martos

4 Coordinating Activities under Alternative Organizational Forms

Yingyi Qian, Gerard Roland, and Chenggang Xu

5 Democracy, Egalitarian Redistributions, and the Level of Public Bads

John E. Roemer

6 Parable and Realism in Overlapping Cohorts Models

Andras Simonovits

7 Internal Efficiency and External Conditions

Jorgen W. Weibull

8 On Buyers' and Sellers' Markets under Capitalism and Socialism

Martin Weitzman


9 Soft Budget Constraints and Transition

Mathias Dewatripont, Eric Maskin, and Gerard Roland

10 Restructuring an Industry during Transition: A Two-Period Model

Richard E. Ericson

11 Shortage and the Soft Budget Constraint: New Interpretations

Paul Hare

12 The Kornai Effect Revisited

Richard E. Quandt


13 Determinants of Productivity in Central Europe during Economic Transition

Sharad Bhandari and David M. Kemme

14 The Evolutionary Path away from Socialism: The Chinese Experience

Bernard Chavance

15 Perestroika Economics from the Inside

Michael Ellman

16 The Internal versus Occupational Labor Market-A Neglected Dimension of Hungary's Postsocialist Transformation

Istvan R. Gabor

17 Transformation before the Transition: Employment and Wage Setting in Hungarian Firms, 1986-1989

Janos KOllo

18 How Does the Transitional State Behave? Evidence from Retained State Ownership in Mongolian Privatization

Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell

19 Do Power Consumption Data TeU the Story? Electricity Intensity and Hidden Economy in Postsocialist Countries

Maria Lacko

20 Transition to the Market in Asia: The Case of Vietnam

Marie Lavigne

21 The Debate on Understanding China's Economic Performance

Jeffrey D. Sachs and Wing Thye Woo

22 Stability and Growth: Commentary on a Commentary

Robert Solow

23 The Surprising Success of Gradual Price Liberalization in Hungary

Wim Swaan

The Publications of Janos Kornai

438 pages

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