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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

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Mission Critical

Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems

How many organizations would doubt the promise of integrated enterprise systems (also known as enterprise resource planning systems, or ERPs)? Not many, judging by a $15 billion industry. The combination of an enterprise system (ES) as a platform for organizational information and Internet technology for gaining access to it adds up to the ideal solution for company-wide data sharing in real time. Not surprisingly, small and large companies worldwide are either considering an ES, in the process of implementing one, or living with the results of implementation. Yet, says Tom Davenport, unless managers view ES adoption and implementation as a business decision rather than a technology decision, they may be risking disappointment.

Mission Critical presents an authoritative and no-nonsense view of ES opportunities and challenges. Suggesting that ESs are not the right choice for every company, the author provides a set of guidelines to help managers evaluate the benefits and risks of ES implementation for their organizations. To be successful, argues Davenport, an organization must make simultaneous changes in its information systems, business processes, and business strategy. Such changes are described in detail with extensive examples from real organizations. Bolstering his contention that ESs should be viewed as business rather than technology projects, Davenport spells out the specific business change objectives that should be formulated before ES adoption and monitored throughout its implementation.

The first strategic guide to the ES decision, Mission Critical will be indispensable to general managers and information technology specialists at all stages of the implementation process.

Thomas II. Davenport is the Director of the Andersen Consulting Institute for Strategic Change and a Professor of Information Management at Boston University.

332 pages

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