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wydawnictwo: PH , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 310.00 Twoja cena  294,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Market Survey of the Energy Industry 2000/2001


The energy marketplace is changing as we enter the new millennium. In an effort to provide market trends, the Association of Energy Engineers conducted a comprehensive survey of its members. Based on 756 respondents, the survey shows the impact of deregulation on energy management programs. This reference is divided into three sections.

Section 1 is an overview of the energy management industry and shows the results of energy management programs, technologies which are being considered for future adoption and the potential for further savings.

Section 2 offers a comprehensive salary survey of the industry and indicated average income of energy professionals and bonuses received.

Section 3 is a comprehensive survey of electrical and gas purchasing programs and the criteria for selecting an energy provider.

In each section, details are presented about how different energy professional, from consultants to utilities suppliers to end users, answered the various questions.

There is no question that this survey includes up-to-the-minute energy market trends and provides information to help professionals in their careers as well as in strategic planning for their companies.

Table of Contents

1. Overview of the Energy Management Industry.
2. Results of Salary Survey.
3. Electric, Gas Purchasing and Energy Services Results.


Back Cover Copy

In the most comprehensive survey of the energy and restructures utility marketplace, 756 members of the Association of Energy Engineers responded to questions about their vision of the future of this industry. This reference provides the strategic directions organizations need to take to stay competitive in the new millennium.

A comprehensive section of the survey deals with energy procurement and includes details on customer satisfaction with existing suppliers, criteria for changing suppliers, who is responsible within the organization for making the final decision on energy purchases, services that utilities and energy service companies need to provide, and the results of downsizing on customers.

The survey also addresses energy-efficient equipment and details how much potential still exists for installing new equipment, future energy equipment procurement plans, which technologies offer the best potential, and issues which will have the biggest impact on the energy profession by the year 2001.

The survey contains details according to respondent categories which includes utility and energy suppliers, energy users, ESCOs, equipment suppliers and consultants. Detail survey breakdown illustrates how each respondent category answered each question.

PTR Overview

This book is an important planning tool which provides indispensable information on market trends shaping the energy industry. KEY TOPICS: Overview of the energy management industry. Comprehensive salary survey of the energy industry. Survey of electrical and gas purchasing programs. A comprehensive section of the survey deals with energy procurement and includes details on customer satisfaction with existing suppliers, criteria for changing suppliers, who is responsible within the organization for making final decisions on energy purchases. The survey also addresses energy efficient equipment and details how much potential still exists for installing new equipment, future energy equipment procurement plans, which technologies offer the best potential and issues which will have the biggest impact on the energy profession by the year 2001.

99 pages

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