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wydawnictwo: LONGMAN , rok wydania 1997, wydanie I

cena netto: 450.00 Twoja cena  427,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Enlarging the European Union

Relations between the EU and Central and Eastern Europe

The enlargement of the European Union to incorporate the countries of Central and Eastern Europe is one of the biggest challenges, and opportunities, the EU has faced. Many complex issues are involved in this process, however, bearing upon legal, political, social and economic issues. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of this process to the future peace, well-being, and prosperity of Europe as a whole.

This book provides a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary analysis of the issues that lie at the heart of the EU's evolving policy towards the economic and political changes taking place in Central and Eastern Europe. The contributors to this ambitious book are leading authorities in their field, combining both academic and practical expertise in this area.

Enlarging the European Union sets out the basic concepts and approaches which have governed the relations between the EU and Central and Eastern Europe, and provides an in-depth examination of the key features of the Europe Agreements.

Key sections of the book then analyse the various frameworks and legal instruments governing trade and competition, and also the issue of movement of persons. Legal harmonisation, one of the most important facets of pre-accession strategies, is also examined in detail.

Overall this book provides an unrivalled source of information and informed analysis of the key issues involved in the enlargement of the EU, essential reading for anybody with an interest in this subject,

Enlarging the European Union is edited by Professor Marc Maresceau, Professor of EC Law at the Universities of Ghent and Brussels, and Director of the European Institute, University of Ghent. He has published widely on the external relations of the European Union, particularly the relations between the EU and Central and Eastern Europe.


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