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wydawnictwo: AW , rok wydania 2002, wydanie IX

cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena  190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

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World Trade and Payments


World Trade and Payments continues to be praised for its up-to-date, comprehensive coverage; its intuitive organization; and its rigorous but accessible level of analysis. In addition to these hallmark traits, the Ninth Edition offers the latest coverage of the World Trade Organization, Japanese stagnation, and the euro, as well as integrated discussions of globalization, immigration, and engaging topics such as intellectual property.

The all-new chapter on "Crises in Emerging Markets" offers a concise presentation of the financial crises in East Asia and other developing countries in the late 1990s. Previous coverage of interdependence and aggregate supply has been updated and expanded to form two new chapters, "Interdependence and Coordination" and "Supply and Inflation." All in all, this new edition will equip students with all the analytical and real-world applications they need to pursue future work in international trade and finance.

Updated data and news coverage are integrated throughout, including up-to-date information on the World Trade Organization and globalization.

An all-new Chapter 24 on "Crises in Emerging Markets" has been added.

Previous coverage of interdependence has been heavily revised to form a new Chapter 25, "Interdependence and Coordination."

A new Chapter 26, "Supply and Inflation" includes coverage of aggregate supply as well as new material on inflation and the Corners Hypothesis.

"Caves, Frankel, and Jones have produced a superb book. It is well grounded theoretically, well motivated empirically and it provides the crucial tools for addressing the policy issues of a changing global marketplace." Peter Rosendorff University of Southern California

"Students who successfully complete a course using the Caves, Frankel, and Jones text will be extremely well prepared to continue to the next level of international trade and finance." Kay Strong Southern Illinois University

About Authors

Richard E. Caves is Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Economics at Harvard University.

Jeffrey A. Frankel is James W. Harpel Professor of Capital Formation and Growth at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Ronald W.Jones is Chairman of Economics and Xerox Professor of Economics at the University of Rochester.

750 pages

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