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wydawnictwo: CAPSTON , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 88.00 Twoja cena  83,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Bucks $tart Here

The emergence of a new society driven by information technologies is having a massive impact on the competitive landscape of every business sector. New and different competitive dynamics are unfolding, including:

a major shift in market alignment from seller to buyer the remarkable effect of 'network returns' - where the more customers for a product or service that there are the more value accrues to all customers the opportunity to create all sorts of new interfaces between buyer and seller.

But for many of us this emerging Age of Opportunity is baffling. How is it possible to prosper in a world where one month's winning business models are derided next month? How can we build credible and sustainable strategies for the future when there is no past to draw on and the present changes almost by the hour?

The Bucks Start Here reveals the secrets of seven e-champions who have transformed their sectors, either as start-up pioneers (Jeff Bezos, Founder and Chief Executive of Amazon.corn, Jay Walker, Founder and Vice-Chairman of Priceline, and Pierre Omidyar, Founder and Chairman of eBay); internet business developers in their own real-world pre-lnternet companies (Charles Schwab and Michael Dell); or, internet innovators in long-established and conservative companies (Mike Harris of the UK's Prudential Corporation and John Pluthero of Dixons, the electrical goods retailer). The lessons from these digital giants will help you turn your e-business dreams into reality.

lan McDonald Wood is a digital business guru. He has been advising the senior management of companies, big and small, for two decades and is himself a successful entrepreneur. He combines the rigorous eye of a strategist with the financial precision of an accountant and the creative flair of a marketeer. His global perspective is a result of working in more than twenty five different countries.

Dr Melvyn Reader provides the research power in lan McDonald Wood's digital business team. His fresh perspectives on the new economy flow from extensive work in international relations.

298 pages

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