Managing For Shareholder
Value in the Age of Internet
Here at last is the
long-awaited book from Geoffrey A. Moor author of Crossing the Chasm and Inside the
Tornado, tv best-selling works that have helped guide the high-tech revolutio Now Moore
turns his attention to the most important busine; question forthe early twenty-first
century, the age of the Interne How can companies living on the fault line of rapid
discontinuou disruptive technological change be managed successfully? Moo shows us that
the old management truths are dead. Busine; models that worked admirably until the last
decade of tt twentieth century must be replaced. E-business is invading eve sector of
commerce, overturning established relationships, ar reengineering markets. How must
management respond? He can older, more established companies successfully compete
Moore answers these questions
and shows why sensitivity to stoi price is the single most important lever for managing in
the futur and for making necessary changes in organizations heretofo impervious to change.
He describes a new management agenc in this highly prescriptive guidebook to managing the
disrupts forces of the new economy. Living on the Fault Line will reset the
management agenda in the age of the Internet.
288 pages