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wydawnictwo: CAPSTON , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 85.00 Twoja cena  80,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Lessons from the future

making sens of a blurred world

Stan Davis is quite simply one of the world's greatest futurist. His books have sold over a million copies worldwide and are published in fifteen languages. They include the worldwide best-seller, Blur, Future Perfect (winner of the Tom Peters Book of the Decade award) and, most recently, Future Wealth. He has written for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fast Company and numerous other international business magazines.

Lessons From The Future combines new writing with the very best of his unique body of work. In this single inspirational book, Davis addresses issues that are still playing out and still lie in the future, as well as the present. It contains some of the most visionary business thinking of the moment, including mind- ' stretching pieces on the information economy, the foundations of wealth, the next bio-economy, connectivity, emotional bandwidth and mass , . . customisation. Lessons from the Future also includes a unique article by the author reflecting on his own work and the value of ideas in the new economy.

Stan Davis is the world's highest profile new economy guru. He is 6'7" and prefers sitting on two stacked chairs. When people do a double take, he explains that chairs are built for average-sized people 57" who can't sit in kids' chairs built for 4'7"- size people. He looks at business the same way, finding opportunities by seeing situations in new ways. His creative thinking makes practical connections to new business opportunities. :

Lessons from the Future will help managers and entrepreneurs identify the business and social sea changes that are transforming everything, everybody and every enterprise. ,

Stan Davis is an author and acclaimed public speaker based in Boston, Massachusetts. This is his eleventh book. Some of his previous books include Future Wealth, the best-seller Blur, the landmark Future Perfect, 2020 Vision, and The Monster Under the Bed. He is also an independent strategy and management consultant to both major corporations and fast growing enterprises, and part-time Senior Research Fellow at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young's Center for Business Innovation.

198 pages

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