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Future consumer .corn

This amazing glimpse into the near future will set your business on the fast track to success in the Webified world.

"There is plenty to argue with in this book a plenty to stimulate your thinking about how| Net is changing commerce and the world" Don Tapscott, best-selling aui of The Digital Economy and Growing Digital; co-author of Digital Cap,

By 2010, the Internet will gobble up 31°/| consumer spending, leaving most brick-aj mortar retailers in rubble.

The head-spinning Internet Revolution, "Webolution" as renowned futurist FrI Feather calls it, will reverse virtually everyth .the Industrial Revolution put into place, retu ing the workplace, the learning space and i marketplace to the home.

In the resulting globalized, high-speed society, we will talk to our appliances and autor biles and they'll talk back. We'll carry Internet with us wherever we go. Families i incorporate. Paper money will become a thin the past.

These are just a few of the changes result from the Webolution. It will rock our woi utterly transforming life and commerce. And| rewards will accrue fastest to those who embrace it first. FutureConsumer.com provides you W invaluable knowledge that will put you and yd business ahead of the competition, such as:

  • the one Web strategy .that every organaad absolutely must pursue
  • why some Web sites succeed and why others fail
  • solid forecasts of online retail sales to 2010 six years further out than any published elsewhere in 12 product categories
  • what will be the top 50 retail Web sites in 2010
  • astute analyses of trends in work, business, family life, and society

Frank Feather is a global business futurist and author who, in 1979, coined the now well-known phrase "Thinking Globally, Acting Locally." Formerly a strategic planning executive with three of the world's largest banks, he has forecast the future with uncanny accuracy since 1981. In demand on the lecture circuit, he has advised an A-Z of global companies in all industries. Even the big consulting firms frequently pick his brain.

"You say you want a webolution? Read this book." DON TAPSCOTT, best-selling author of The Digital Economy and Growing Up Digital; co-author of Digital Capital.
"Excellent bedtime reading - except it prevents you from sleeping!" YRJO NEUVO, Executive Vice-President & Chief Technical Officer, Nokia Mobile Phones
"A pleasure to read, providing new insights into the future impact of the Internet on our personal and professional lives." JANICE M. SCITES, Vice-President, Internet Implementation Strategy, AT&T Corp.
"Frank Feather knows how to get under the skin of every consumer company with the message: change or suffer."
KEVIN MANEY, Technology Columnist, USA Today
"A 'must read' for any executive who expects to be employed in 2010." JOHN BRANDT, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Industry Week and Industry Week.com

316 pages

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