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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 125.00 Twoja cena  118,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Managing Interactively

The Internet has iransforme. our business environment. In a world of b-webs plentiful jobs, high-speed work, and global orga nizations, we have to manage differently. Making things happen in an Internet-enabled world the creation and execution of strategy require; superb communication and collaboration witt business partners both inside and outside youi company.

Forget "buy-in." What you need in today's warp-speed environment is full ownership of strategies, ideas, projects, and results. Managing Interactively shows you how to fully engage your employees, business web partners, consultants, customers, and colleagues for more profitable partnerships.

The new management and communication abilities you need are based on ten key competencies described in the book:

• Make people (and their knowledge) accessible to others.

• Engage people across organizational boundaries such as strategic partnerships, b-webs and alliances.

• Share power to transform an organization.

• Design physical and on-line environments.

• Create rituals and shared experiences.

• Get over yourself.

• Make information available, useful, and enticing.

• Use stories to capture and share knowledge.

• Resolve hidden conflicts between your actions and words.

• Use Mega-conversations, Workouts, and other creative techniques to listen to your whole organization.

Here are stories from the experts, gleaned from dozens of interviews, that show how

CEOs, executives, and managers from leading companies such as Johnson & Johnson, IBM, and General Electric increase their "collaboration quotient" with impressive results. Not only will you discover how to improve your own communication, you'll also learn a host of new methods and technologies for creating new business possibilities, saving time and money, encouraging knowledge-sharing, and leveraging intellectual capital.

In today's e-climate, your business success depends on your management approach. Managing Interactively explains the communication and people management skills you need to build better alliances, work through others to execute strategy and improve your bottom line.


Mary E. Boone is a leading authority on organizational communication and collaborative technologies and the author of Leadership and the Computer. Boone is a frequent speaker, executive coach, and consultant on how organizations can improve their performance and strategy execution through better communication. She is President of Boone Associates, (www.maryboone.com), based in Norwalk, Ct.

316 pages

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