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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

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Managing Business Risk

An Organization-Wide Approach to Risk Management

There's a quiet revolution occurring when it comes to risk management in today's leading organizations. No longer the little understood and sporadically implemented stepchild of modem management practices, risk management is moving with an increased sense of urgency into every department, division, and boardroom across a wide spectrum of businesses. And with good reason! Financial and technological risks have never been greater. There's heightened awareness of catastrophic risk. Concerns about increased exposure to legal liability and financing human-asset risks such as disability and retirement funding have never been higher.

The trend is clear: The need for risk management can no longer be exclusive to the finance department or satisfied simply with an insurance policy; it must be organization wide. It must employ the latest techniques and risk-financing tools available. Managing Business Risk presents an extensive explanation and thought-provoking discussion of risk management as the integrated, core-management function that today's environment of business risk demands it to be.

In order to fully appreciate how risk management's present and future compare, readers must get a perspective on the history of risk management, on the general structure of risk-management practices, and on the controversies and issues that confront risk managers today. To accomplish this, the authors have developed a ground-breaking model known as Organization Risk Management (ORM), which gives a broad context for understanding risk management. The ORM model allows readers to explore actual risk-management practices and also consider how current trends and issues may transform risk management into a better-integrated, cost-saving, and company-wide management function.

With ORM as a framework, both risk specialists and nonrisk managers will leam how to:

  • Understand how the nature of an organization's particular business or industry influences the specific functional aspects of risk management.
  • Support the corporate mission through risk-management practices.
  • Discover and analyze an organization's risks and exposures to risk, including legal liability and physical-, financial-, and human-asset exposures.
  • Assess the impact of risk on an organization using various measurement techniques.
  • Control risk by employing measures to prevent, reduce, transfer or neutralize uncertainties.
  • Fund the purchase of insurance and other risk-financing tools that are available.
  • Implement and administer a full risk-management program involving a range of technical and general management activities from claims administration, to safety training, to the development of a hedging arrangement.

Using the authors' visionary approach to one of business's most critical issues, readers gain not only a full complement of risk-management tools, but also a richer appreciation of all facets of risk management that would not be possible through a traditional introduction to the subject.

Peter C. Young, Ph.D., is the E.W. Blanch Sr. Chair in Insurance at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Business. He lives in Minneapolis, MN.

Steven C. Tippins, Ph.D., CLU,ARM, is the Rolf A. Weil Professor of Risk Management and Insurance at Roosevelt University. He lives in Chicago, IL.

442 pages

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