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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

ISBN 0-273-65018-1 212 pages

The original idea for MBA Planet came from the ever fertile mind of Richard Stagg of Financial Times / Prentice Hall.

We were greatly aided in researching the book by Stephen Coomber who now knows more MBA students than anyone else on planet MBA.

Our colleague at Suntop Media, Georgina Peters, offered a constant stream of informed criticism and applied invective.

This book would not have been possible without the many students, former students and b-school employees who gave freely of their time. It's not possible to list them all but a special thank you to: Saud Abbasi, Zeyn Adam, Mike Alien, Jaime Antunez, Roberto Arana, Vicky Arcos, Andy Arends, Erik Barmack, Rajesh Bhatia, Susie Block, Jeff Bocan, Lauren Vanessa Buck, Alicia Bywater, Christopher H. Cheng, Christos Constan-dinides, Nolan Empalmado, Ram Fish, Roger Fortune, Jose Garza, Elizabeth Golluscio, Tim Gordon, Emily Granada, Andrew Grinstead, Eric Happel, Dan Harris, Katy Hart, Shannon Hawbaker, Mark Hicken, Jennifer Himelfarb, April Hingst, Megumi Ikeda, Bryan Jaffe, Brian Jaroszewski, Michael Jauss, Eelco de Jong, Virginia M. Justicz, Subra-maniam Karthik, Marshall King, Jon Kinsey, Jennifer Lemming, Anu Mannar, Mark McDonald, Amit Mehra, Tony Micele, Joe Mitchoff, Mary E. Murphy, Charles Naylor, Julie Neenan, Mark Permann, Michele E. Previte, Peter O'Brien, Karen Roy, Alexis Rozman, Esther Schuller, Emmanuelle Skala, Kirill Slavin, Steven So, David Socks, Nancy Spector, Anne Therese Stephens, Sarita Talwar, Erin Toole, Nestor Torre, Mark Underwood, Robert Uyan, Michelle A. Veith, Cristobel von Walstrom, Adam Wellman, Pat Wilburn, Sean Lilly Wilson, Liz Zaie.

We welcome comments from other MBA students for future editions of this book. Please send your comments to www.mbaplanet.com

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