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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 2001, wydanie II

cena netto: 50.00 Twoja cena  47,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Investor's Handbook

ProShare's No-Nonsense Guide to Sensible Investing

Make your money work hard for you

Since the early 1980s, millions of us have acquired shares in building societies, former public utilities or our own companies. Many of us have gone on to more serious shareholding and many more would like to. Published in association with ProShare, the organization whose aim is to make investing in the stockmarket more accessible, this is the perfect beginner's guide to the key principles and techniques of investment.

The Investors Handbook will help you:

• clarify your aims: risks and returns, income or investment

• extract information from the business pages, balance sheets, websites

• decide when to buy - and when to sell individual shares

• create a balanced portfolio

• explore alternatives unit trusts, gilts and ISAs

• plan for retirement and reduce your tax burden

• pool expertise and resources setting up an investment club

Whether you have already invested in the stockmarket or think you'd like to do so, this step-by-step guide will help you maximize your chances of success.

169 pages

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Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone PROPRESS sp. z o.o. 2012-2022