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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1999, wydanie III

cena netto: 60.00 Twoja cena  57,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

International Dictionary of Finance

The globalization of virtually all financial markets, the single European market and electronic technology continue to generate

new terminology in the complex world of finance. Newly expanded and updated, with over three hundred new terms, The Penguin , International Dictionary of Finance cuts through the maze and brings together in one volume:

  • Up-to-date explanations of the five main areas of the subject: banking, commodity markets, insurance, money markets, securities markets
  • Key entries used in: accounting, business finance, investment appraisal, public finance, savings and investment, taxation and international financial institutions
  • Foreign language terms
  • Explanations of acronyms and abbreviations and cross-referencing of related terms

Clear, succinct and informative, this indispensable work of reference is aimed at everyone concerned with finance, including investors and tax-payers.

289 pages

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