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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1991, wydanie I

cena netto: 50.00 Twoja cena  47,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Sad to think how much harm has been caused by the brutal arrogance of rock logic Professor Dudley Herschbach, Harvard, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986

In this book Dr Edward de Bono, who is well known worldwide for his origination of lateral thinking, puts forward a direct challenge to what he calls the rock logic of Western thinking. Rock logic is based on rigid categories, absolutes, argument and adversarial point scoring. Edward de Bono believes that this thinking cannot provide the constructive energies that we are going to need in order to solve problems and create a better future as we move towards the year 2000. Instead of rock logic he proposes the water logic of perception. Drawing on our understanding of the brain as a self-organizing information system, Dr de Bono shows that perception is the key to more constructive thinking and the serious creativity of design.

Edward de Bono expects his ideas to outrage conventional thinkers, yet time has been on his side, and the ideas that he first put forward twenty years ago in his book The Mechanism of Mind are now accepted mainstream thinking. Here, in this brilliantly argued assault on outmoded thought patterns, he calls for nothing less than a New Renaissance.

This edition includes new forewords by three Nobel Prize winners (Sheldon Lee Glashow, Harvard; Brian Josephson, Cambridge; Ivar Giaever, Rensselaer)

292 pages

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